Saturday, March 7, 2009

Photo Class Project #6

Product Shoot
w/ studio lights


  1. I like that in the top photo, I can tell that it is a root beer can without having to see the whole image. I think the Tic-Tac photos might have more effect if the container was full. I like that the background isn't distracting, also good composition and focus on subjects.

  2. I am drawn to the first image because of the colors, depth-of-field and simplicity of how you framed the the viewer enough information to let them know that it's a pop can...but left enough to our imagination to make it interesting.

  3. I like the first image a lot because of the colors and I think it was a good choice to leave the image framed the way it is

  4. i really like the color photos better for a product shot. but for just photography sake i think the b+w of the pop can is pretty interesting too.
